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My New Book!
My New Book!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 27-28, 2021: February 2021 Recap

 [A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]

February 1: Sports in 2021: COVID: A Super Bowl series on sports in 2021 kicks off with playing & watching sports during a pandemic, past and present.

February 2: Sports in 2021: Activism: The series continues with the huge step that athlete activists took in 2020, and where we go from here.

February 3: Sports in 2021: The Olympics: The limits of traditions and how one can potentially evolve into something better, as the series plays on.

February 4: Sports in 2021: The NCAA: What this year has revealed and reaffirmed about college athletics, and what’s still possible.

February 5: Sports in 2021: Banning Football?: Revisiting a prior and still relevant debate at my university.

February 6-7: Sports in 2021: Revolutionary Change: The series concludes with how the evolution of black quarterbacks reveals how sports can challenge and change their and our limits.

February 8: Short Stories I Love: “My Kinsman,  Major Molineux”: My annual Valentine’s Day series focuses on short stories I love, starting with Hawthorne’s ambiguous historical fiction.

February 9: Short Stories I Love: “The Tenth of January”: The series continues with a short story that combines local color and sentimental fiction, and becomes so much more.

February 10: Short Stories I Love: “A Sweatshop Romance”: Romance and realism and why they don’t have to be at odds, as the series reads on.

February 11: Short Stories I Love: “Yellow Woman”: A more problematic kind of fictional ambiguity and why it’s well worth reading nonetheless.

February 12: Short Stories I Love: 21st Century Stories: The series concludes with a host of contemporary short stories and authors I love.

February 13-14: Short Stories I Love: Ilene Railton’s Stories: A Valentine’s weekend special post on the evolving career of my favorite writer, and why we should all be following it.

February 15: Non-Favorite American Myths: The First Thanksgiving: For my annual non-favorites series, a collection of non-favorite national myths begins “The First Thanksgiving.”

February 16: Non-Favorite American Myths: Pocahontas: The series continues with some of the myths behind one of our most mythologized historical figures.

February 17: Non-Favorite American Myths: George Washington: Three of the many inaccuracies at the heart of the Washington mythos, as the series trolls on.

February 18: Non-Favorite American Myths: The Self-Made Man: How a national mythos develops, and the multiple reasons why it’s so destructive.

February 19: Non-Favorite American Myths: The Greatest Generation: The series concludes with the limits to a mythic vision of an iconic American community.

February 20-21: Crowd-sourced Non-Favorites: Another installment in one of my favorite posts of the year, the crowd-sourced airing of grievances!

February 22: Florida Histories: The Treaty of Adams-Onís: On the Treaty’s anniversary, a FloridaStudying series kicks off with how the historic agreement that brought Florida into the US reveals the darker sides to American expansion.

February 23: Florida Histories: St. Augustine: The series continues with how and why to better remember the foundational Hispanic American community.

February 24: Florida Histories: The Everglades: The very American story of the woman who saved the Everglades, as the series rolls on.

February 25: Florida Histories: Parkland: What’s frustratingly not new and what’s inspiringly changed when it comes to an infamous school shooting.

February 26: Florida Histories: Cuban American Artists: The series concludes with a trio of exemplary Cuban American musical artists.

Next series starts Monday,


PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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