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My New Book!
My New Book!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

July 29-30, 2017: July 2017 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]
July 3: Representing the Revolution: The Patriot: A July 4th series kicks off with the monstrous issue at the heart of Mel Gibson’s blockbuster film.
July 4: Representing the Revolution: The Adams Letters: The series continues with myths and realities of the Revolution contained in John and Abigail Adams’ correspondence.
July 5: Representing the Revolution: 1776 and Burr: Two complementary but contrasting efforts to humanize the founders, as the series rolls on.
July 6: Representing the Revolution: YA Novels: Three groundbreaking historical novels that reflect the evolution of young adult literature.
July 7: Representing the Revolution: TV Shows: And three television programs that likewise reflect that medium’s evolution.
July 8-9: Representing the Revolution: Hamilton: The series concludes with one critique and one celebration of the smash musical.
July 10: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: Civil Disobedience: For Thoreau’s 200th, a series kicks off with three lesser-known facts about his protest essay.
July 11: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: Cape Cod: The series continues with two reasons to read Thoreau’s often overlooked travel book.
July 12: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: Walden: Two new frames for Thoreau’s most famous project, as the birthday series rolls on.
July 13: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: A Walk to Wachusett: A simple and a more complex pleasure of Thoreau’s first published essay.
July 14: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: Friendships: What three of Thoreau’s social relationships can tell us about the man and the era.
July 15-16: Thoreau’s Bicentennial: Commemorating Henry: The series concludes with three distinct but interconnected ways to commemorate the birthday boy.
July 17: Historical Fictions: An Overview: A historical fiction series kicks off with period fiction, historical fiction, and where Gore Vidal’s America Chronicles fit in.
July 18: Historical Fictions: Kindred: The series continues with my first book highlight, Octavia Butler’s sci fi historical novel.
July 19: Historical Fictions: Cloudsplitter: Russell Banks’ epic story of John Brown, as the historical fiction highlights roll on.
July 20: Historical Fictions: James Michener: The continued pleasures of one of the genre’s most popular authors.
July 21: Historical Fictions: Five More Novels: For my final post in the series, briefly highlighting five more wonderful historical novels.
July 22-23: Crowd-sourced Historical Fiction: The series concludes with one of my fullest crowd-sourced posts ever—add your historical novel nominees to this wonderful list!
July 24: Talks and Events: Facing History and Ourselves: A series on recent talks starts with two benefits of my connection to a great educational organization.
July 25: Talks and Events: The Gardner Museum: The series continues with two reasons to visit and celebrate an exemplary local museum.
July 26: Talks and Events: The Stowe Prize: Two takeaways from Bryan Stevenson’s remarks in Hartford, as the series rolls on.
July 27: Talks and Events: The Harlem Renaissance for BOLLI: Two discoveries I made in preparing for a talk for Brandeis University’s adult learning program.
July 28: Talks and Events: Meeting the Scholars Strategy Network: The series concludes with three ways you can join the SSN Boston Chapter!
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to write? Lemme know!

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