My New Book!

My New Book!
My New Book!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

November 28, 2024: Podcast Thanks: Audience Love

[The most significant part of my work this fall was the launch of my first public scholarly podcast, The Celestials’ Last Game: Baseball, Bigotry, and the Battle for America. A lot of factors helped make that work possible, so for my annual Thanksgiving series I wanted to express my gratitude to a handful of them!]

Happy Thanksgiving (and National Day of Mourning too)! For me the holiday is all about family, and so I had to dedicate today’s post to my podcast’s three most dedicated audience members: my parents and my wife. They didn’t just listen, either—their thoughtful responses and contributions truly shaped every part of the podcast, making both the experience and the product infinitely better than they otherwise would have been. If I were to give fellow first-time podcasters any advice based on my own initial experiences with the medium, it’d be that it is really important to have particular audiences in mind when we’re writing and recording, so we’re not just talking to ourselves (this advice would obviously be different for a co-hosted podcast or one featuring guests). For me, these three favorite people were my pitch-perfect ideal listeners and conversation partners.  

Last thanks tomorrow,


PS. I’d be thankful if you’d check out the podcast and let me know your thoughts!

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