My New Book!

My New Book!
My New Book!

Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12-18, 2018: Finally, a Book Update!

I’ve been writing about my Exclusion & Inclusion project in this space for a long long time, and promising an update on the book itself for nearly as long. Well, I’m very excited that this week, in honor of this blog’s eight-year (!) anniversary, I can share that long-promised and –awaited update:
I’m so excited to announce that We the People: The 500-Year Battle Over Who is an American, will be published in 2019 as part of Rowman and Littlefield’s wonderful American Ways series. American Ways books are engaging and readable, offering vital American histories and stories, conversations and connections, to public as well as academic and educational audiences. They include bibliographic essays that highlight lots of sources for further reading without breaking up the narrative flow of the chapters themselves. They are, in short, exactly the kind of public scholarly writing I’ve been moving into more and more fully over the eight years in this space, and in the many other projects, books and online writing and otherwise, I’ve been able to pursue in that time as well.
I won’t say too much more yet, but will add this: even more than in the past, I think it’s vital for me to get out and talk about this book in as many settings and communities as possible. So if you have ideas or connections for such opportunities, of literally any type and in literally any location (can’t say I’ll be able to get everywhere, but I can say I’ll try!), please let me know, by email or in comments here or on Twitter or any other way! Thanks so much in advance!
Next series starts Monday the 19th,
PS. There’s way too many people to thank in this space, but along with all the usual suspects, I want to single out my great agent Cecelia Cancellaro.

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