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My New Book!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

June 30-July 1, 2018: June 2018 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]
June 4: McCarthyism Contexts: The Palmer Raids: A McCarthyism series starts with the WWI raids that foreshadowed McCarthy’s excesses.
June 5: McCarthyism Contexts: Roy Cohn: The series continues with the figure who embodies McCarthyism’s hypocrisies—and something more.
June 6: McCarthyism Contexts: McCarthy’s Lies and Rise: Three telling falsehoods that foreshadowed McCarthy’s public role, as the series rolls on.
June 7: McCarthyism Contexts: Edward R. Murrow: The special report that helped begin McCarthy’s fall, and the response that only hastened it further.
June 8: McCarthyism Contexts: The Crucible and The Front: The series concludes with an allegorical and a literal cultural response to McCarthyism.
June 9-10: McCarthyism Contexts: The Beginning of the End: A special post on the anniversary of Joseph Welch’s famous question about McCarthy’s decency.
June 11: The Supreme Court and Progress: Worcester v. Georgia: For the week of #LovingDay, a Supreme Court series starts with the decision that couldn’t stop a tragedy but did make history.
June 12: The Supreme Court and Progress: Loving v. Virginia: The series continues with two underremembered contexts for the historic 1967 decision.
June 13: The Supreme Court and Progress: United States v. Wong Kim Ark: One positive and one negative side to two historic 1890s decisions, as the series rules on.
June 14: The Supreme Court and Progress: Brown v. Board of Education: The forgotten figures at the heart of one of our most crucial decisions.
June 15: The Supreme Court and Progress: Lawrence v. Texas: The series concludes with two historical contexts for a shockingly recent case.
June 16-17: The Courts and Progress in 2018: A special, now frustratingly relevant weekend post on the courts and progress in our own moment.
June 18: Beach Reads: The Hardy Boys: A summer reading series starts with one of the books that powerfully sparked my young imagination.
June 19: Beach Reads: John Bellairs: The series continues with the author and book that helped push me out of my comfort zone.
June 20: Beach Reads: Trout Fishing in America: A book that greatly expanded my sense of what literature can be and so, as the series reads on.
June 21: Beach Reads: The Kingdom of Matthias: The book that helped open my eyes to a career opportunity and disciplinary path.
June 22: Beach Reads: The Day of the Locust: The series concludes with a book that reminds me of how far I still have to go.
June 23-24: Crowd-sourced Beach Reads: One of my favorite crowd-sourced beach reads of the year, featuring tons of suggestions from fellow BeachReadStudiers—add yours in comments, please!
June 25: Summer Class Readings: “The Tenth of January”: A series following up my summer teaching starts with Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’ genre-bending short story.
June 26: Summer Class Readings: “Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100”: The series continues with Martín Espada’s controversial and crucial poem about work and war.
June 27: Summer Class Readings: “Of the Passing of the First-born”: The most painful, difficult and powerful chapter of W.E.B. Du Bois’s American classic, as the series rolls on.
June 28: Summer Class Readings: Love Medicine: Two complementary roles for the framing chapters of Louise Erdrich’s wonderful short story cycle.
June 29: Summer Class Readings: The Book of Salt: The series concludes with Monique Truong’s wonderful historical novel.
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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