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My New Book!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

November 3-4, 2018: October 2018 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]
October 1: National Park Studying: Yosemite: On the anniversary of its establishment, a National Park series starts with six figures who narrate Yosemite’s history.
October 2: National Park Studying: Blackstone River Valley: The series continues with two comparisons for one of our newest National Parks.
October 3: National Park Studying: Everglades: The very American story of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the woman who helped save the Everglades, as the series rolls on.
October 4: National Park Studying: Mesa Verde: Two distinct but complementary effects of a foundational AmericanStudier National Park moment.
October 5: National Park Studying: Acadia: The series concludes with a few telling moments in the Maine park’s strikingly French history.
October 6-7: National Historical Parks: A special weekend addendum on one impressive thing at each of three wonderful National Historical Parks.
October 8: American Gay Studies: Walt Whitman: A National Coming Out Day series starts with vexing questions of textuality and sexuality with one of our greatest poets.
October 9: American Gay Studies: Boston Marriages: The series continues with three examples of a complex and inspiring historical relationship.
October 10: American Gay Studies: The Society for Human Rights: Three contexts for the history of America’s first gay rights organization, as the series rolls on.
October 11: American Gay Studies: Harvey Milk: A key detail that complicates our histories of a tragic assassination, and the overarching story that holds in any case.
October 12: American Gay Studies: Mark Doty: Three genres in which one of our best contemporary writers considers identity and sexuality.
October 13-14: American Gay Studies: Pop Culture Representations: The series concludes with three 90s pop culture texts that continue to echo into our present moment.
October 15: Whaling Histories: New Bedford: A series inspired by Moby-Dick’s anniversary starts with three stages in the history of “The Whaling City.”
October 16: Whaling Histories: Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard: The series continues with the divergent whaling and cultural histories of two neighboring islands.
October 17: Whaling Histories: Writing about Whaling in 2018: The perils and necessities of writing about disgraced histories, as the series sails on.
October 18: Whaling Histories: Moby-Dick: On its anniversary, why we can’t skip the whaling sections in Melville’s messy masterpiece.
October 19: Whaling Histories: Contemporary Whaling and Greenpeace: The series concludes with contemporary histories and responses, and why I’m writing about them here.
October 20-21: Whaling Histories: Akeia Benard’s Guest Post on The New Bedford Whaling Museum: My latest Guest Post, from the museum’s Curator of Social History!
October 22: Video Game Studying: Grand Theft Auto: On GTA’s anniversary, a video game series starts with three sides to games GTA helps us analyze.
October 23: Video Game Studying: Pong: The series continues with two telling moments in the history of the first blockbuster arcade game.
October 24: Video Game Studying: Pac-Man: Three of the many ways the 1980 smash changed the game, as the series plays on.
October 25: Video Game Studying: Doom: Two strikingly, controversially communal sides to the influential first-person shooter.
October 26: Video Game Studying: App Games: The series concludes with a couple takeaways from a decade of app gaming.
October 27-28: Crowd-sourced Video Game Studying: I didn’t get to create this post (too busy book-finishing, on which more in a few days!), but wanted to mention here that I’d love your video game thoughts on any of the week’s posts!
October 29: GhostStudying: The Turn of the Screw: A Halloween series starts with two cultural fears lurking beneath Henry James’s ghost story.
October 30: GhostStudying: Beloved: The series continues with the psychological and historical sides to Toni Morrison’s haunting masterpiece.
October 31: GhostStudying: Haunted Sites: Three exemplary haunted sites from around the U.S., as the series tricks (or treats) on.
November 1: GhostStudying: Ghostly Contacts: AmericanStudies lessons from three films about contact with the afterlife.
November 2: GhostStudying: Ghost Stories: The series concludes with psychological and historical reasons for the enduring appeal of ghost stories.
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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