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My New Book!
My New Book!

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012: November 2012 Recap

[The wintry series takes a break for this recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying. But please add your thoughts on winter in American culture for the weekend’s crowd-sourced post!]
November 1: American Spooking, Part Three: On Grant Wood, American Horror Story, and the question of whether there’s a homegrown American horror—and where to find it.
November 2: American Spooking, Part Four: On the novel and film versions of The Shining, and what their very different endings can help us see about American stories.
November 3-4: Crowd-sourcing American Scares: Crowd-sourced post on American scary stories, fictional and real.
November 5: Obama and America, Part One: An election-week series begins with a post on the stakes of the election for definitions of America.
November 6: Obama and America, Part Two: The series continues with an Election Day post on why every American should read Dreams from My Father.
November 7: Obama and America, Part Three: Next in the series, on the Birther movement and its American cultural meanings.
November 9: Obama and America, Part Five: The series concludes with a post on how history remembers presidents, and how it might remember Obama.
November 10-11: A Very American Election: A few of my responses to the 2012 election results and those of some fellow AmericanStudiers
November 12: Public Scholarship, Part One: Glenn Beck University, David Barton, and the need for public AmericanStudies scholarship.
November 13: Public Scholarship, Part Two: Church and state, Newt Gingrich, and contested national narratives and definitions.
November 14: Public Scholarship, Part Three: William Cronon, anti-intellectualism and universities, and the worst and best sides of the profession.
November 15: Public Scholarship, Part Four: King Theoden, William Hazlitt, Albion Tourgée, and what public scholars can and should do.
November 16: Public Scholarship, Part Five: Facebook arguments, Pamela Geller, and the limits and benefits of complexity and nuance as public scholarly goals.
November 17-18: Crowd-sourcing Public Scholarship: Fellow AmericanStudiers weigh in on the week’s themes, topics, and related questions.
November 19: AmericanThanking, Part One: A series on American people and moments I’m thankful for starts with Joshua Chamberlain at Gettysburg.
November 20: AmericanThanking, Part Two:  Next in the series, on Robert Penn Warren and his striking and inspiring shift.
November 21: AmericanThanking, Part Three: My thanks for the voice and passion of William Apess.
November 22: AmericanThanking, Part Four: A Thanksgiving special, on a rebuttal to Rush for which I’d be thankful if you’d spread the word.
November 23: AmericanThanking, Part Five: The series concludes with five American artists for whom I’ve very thankful.
November 24: Crowd-sourced Thanks: The thanks of a fellow AmericanStudier—and my request for your contributions!
November 25: Extra Thanks: Three reasons why I’m very thankful for John Sayles, as well as a mini-review of his new film Amigo.
November 26: American Winter, Part One: A chilly series starts with an analysis of winter and the American Dream, as represented by two dark and wintry recent films.
November 27: American Winter, Part Two: The many layers of Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome, next in the wintry series.
November 28: American Winter, Part Three: The chilly series continues with thoughts on John Greenleaf Whittier’s Snow-Bound and the Fireside Poets.
November 29: American Winter, Part Four: And the wintry series concludes with my take on two perennial holiday classics and the two American perspectives they include.
Crowd-sourced post on winter this weekend,
PS. So last chance—cultural images of winter you’d highlight? Other responses to the week’s posts?
11/30 Memory Day nominees: A tie between Samuel Clemens (for all things Mark Twain, see that website!); and Shirley Chisholm, the politician, educator, and lifelong advocate for oppressed American communities.

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