Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28-29, 2020: March 2020 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]
March 2: Boston Sites: The Freedom Trail: For the Boston Massacre’s 250th anniversary, a series on Boston sites begins with what the wonderful historic trail leaves out, and how to fill in the gaps.
March 3: Boston Sites: The Black Heritage Trail: The series continues with three of the many reasons to walk an under-appreciated, parallel Boston historic trail.
March 4: Boston Sites: The U.S.S. Constitution: What the historic ship turned museum helpfully highlights and what it minimizes, as the series tours on.
March 5: Boston Sites: Remembering the Massacre: On the Massacre’s 250th, three media that have contributed to our collective memories of the influential event.
March 6: Boston Sites: Other Exemplary Boston Sites: From the Gardner Museum to the Harbor Islands, five other spots to experience the historical, cultural, and natural wonders of Boston.
March 7-8: Boston Sites: My Talk at MHS: The series concludes with three reasons why my book talk at the Massachusetts Historical Society was one of my most inspiring yet.
March 9: Last Week Recaps: SSN Boston and 2020 in Massachusetts: A series on a busy scholarly week kicks off with the latest from the Scholars Strategy Network’s Boston Chapter (the May event I mentioned there has been postponed, of course, but watch this space for more!).
March 10: Last Week Recaps: Serena Zabin’s Book Talk: The series continues with two takeaways from a wonderful talk on a vital new book.
March 11: NeMLA Recaps: Andre Dubus III: Turning to the 2020 NeMLA Convention, my recaps begin with the inspiring words of our creative keynote speaker.
March 12: NeMLA Recaps: Three Great Panels: The recaps continue with three of the many wonderful American Area panels I had the chance to attend.
March 13: NeMLA Recaps: Mentorships: The recaps conclude with two more overt and one subtler form of mentorship through this wonderful organization.
March 14-15: What’s Next for NeMLA: So if you want to get involved with that organization, here are two ways you can do so ahead of next year’s convention in Philly!
March 16: StoweStudying: Stowe beyond UTC: A series on Harriet Beecher Stowe starts with three sides to her life and identity beyond her most famous novel.
March 17: StoweStudying: Dred: The series continues with two reasons why it’s crucial for us to better remember Stowe’s second novel.
March 18: StoweStudying: New England Local Color: How and why to link Stowe to the popular 19th century literary movement, as the series reads on.
March 19: StoweStudying: Tomitudes: The very complicated, confusing, and crucial case of Uncle Tom’s Cabin toys and games.
March 20: StoweStudying: Uncle Tom’s Cabin: The series concludes with the fraught but vital question of whether we can blame an uber-popular cultural work for its misappropriations.
March 21-22: StoweStudying: The Stowe Center: A special weekend post on three inspiring sides to the Hartford historic and cultural site beyond its own StoweStudying.
March 23: AmericanStudying The Deuce: Lori, Emily Meade, and Exploitation: A series on David Simon and George Pelecanos’ wonderful TV show kicks off with the actress who performed the most inspiring work, both in front of and behind the camera.
March 24: AmericanStudying The Deuce: Eileen, Pornography, and Film History: The series continues with how my favorite character can help us better remember and recover forgotten feminist filmmakers.
March 25: AmericanStudying The Deuce: Ashley, Abby, and Activism: Two compelling characters who embody two distinct forms and outcomes of activism, as the series rolls on.
March 26: AmericanStudying The Deuce: Paul, Gay New York, and AIDS: The initially minor character who more fully emerges alongside a community and a crisis.
March 27: AmericanStudying The Deuce: Alston, Goldman, and NYC’s Changes: The series concludes with the police and political figures who reflect some of the show’s key themes and debates.
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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