Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31-June 1, 2014: May 2014 Recap

[A recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]

May 5: NeMLA Follow Ups: Reading American Rivers: A series reflecting on the 2014 NeMLA conference begins with the three impressive young scholars who comprised my panel on American rivers.
May 6: NeMLA Follow Ups: The 21st Century Composition Classroom: The series continues with two distinct but complementary visions for how we can bring the classics into our courses.
May 7: NeMLA Follow Ups: Roundtable on Contingent Faculty: Three meaningful ways we can move forward on a crucial issue, as the series rolls on.
May 8: NeMLA Follow Ups: More Inspiring Voices: On three additional, compelling and inspiring panels I attended at the conference.
May 9: NeMLA Follow Ups: George Saunders: The series concludes with the funny and inspiring reading by one of our most talented contemporary writers.
May 10-11: NeMLA Follow Ups: What’s Next: Following up the week’s relfections with a few of the ways in which you can contribute to NeMLA in the months and years to come.
May 12: Spring 2014 Recaps: 21st Century Writing: A series of reflections on the Spring semester opens with a few exemplary papers from my wonderful Writing II course.
May 13: Spring 2014 Recaps: The Post-War Novel: The series continues with two provocative questions raised by the great students in my senior-level seminar.
May 14: Spring 2014 Recaps: Sci Fi/Fantasy: A few ways to parse the definitions of and differences between two imaginative genres, as the series rolls on.
May 15: Spring 2014 Recaps: American Lit: On my evolving thoughts on the balance between my voice and those of my students in a survey course.
May 16: Spring 2014 Recaps: Three Presentations: The series concludes with takeaways from three of my spring talks and presentations.
May 17-18: Summer 2014 Preview: A follow up to the week’s series, on one of my summer research plans and how you can help with and contribute to it.
May 19: AmericanStudying Harvard Movies: With Honors: A series on cultural images of Harvard and higher ed starts with a film that embodies a particularly stereotypical view of the institution.
May 20: AmericanStudying Harvard Movies: Good Will Hunting: The series continues with the film that relies on but also challenges some of our hoariest clichés about Harvard.
May 21: AmericanStudying Harvard Movies: The Social Network: On success, rejection, and the role of social communities in our lives, as the series rolls on.
May 22: AmericanStudying Harvard Movies: Love Story: On fantasy images of love and college, and a tradition that passes them on to each generation of Harvard students.
May 23: AmericanStudying Harvard Movies: How High: The series concludes with the lowbrow stoner comedy that nonetheless both extends and complicates prior images of Harvard.
May 24-25: Crowd-sourced Images of College: Fellow AmericanStudiers share some images of higher ed that stand out to them—add yours in comments, please!
May 26: Memory and Memorials: A series inspired by Memorial Day begins with my annual post on the holiday’s histories and meanings.
May 27: Remembering William Dawes: The series continues with how and why we could better remember Paul Revere’s fellow midnight rider.
May 28: Remembering Benedict Arnold: Reiterating and yet complicating the memories of our most famous traitor, as the series rolls on.
May 29: Remembering the Battle of New Orleans: On a few important reasons to remember one of our least significant military victories.
May 30: Remembering Lee and Longstreet: The series concludes with the general we remember, the one we don’t, and the stakes in shifting that balance.
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to write? Share ‘em in comments, please!

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