Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024: Summer Reads: The Cold Millions

[I didn’t get to share my usual Beach Reads series earlier this summer, so I wanted to make up for it by highlighting a handful of the many amazing novels I read as I worked to return to pleasure reading over the last few months. I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading, from any genre, for a crowd-sourced weekend post!]

With the first two books about which I’ve written in this series, I had a strong sense of them before I began, even if both did (as I hope I’ve made clear) exceed my expectations. Whereas with Jess Walter’s The Cold Millions (2020), a book recommended to me by my Mom (the main way I learn about new fiction, if I’m being honest), I knew literally nothing about it before I finally dove in this summer. So when I say that this was probably my favorite read of the summer, and definitely one of the most successfully executed historical novels I’ve ever read, you’ll understand just how much I’m saying. One of the best measures of a great historical novel is that I’m both thoroughly informed and utterly moved by the end, and I was crying when I read Walter’s epilogue so, y’know, mission very much accomplished. Now I gotta read everything else he’s written!

Next summer read tomorrow,


PS. What have you been reading?

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