Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 30, 2022: Fall Semester Previews: First-Year Writing I

[This week we start a new semester, one I desperately hope will feel a bit more settled and positive than the last few. To that end, for my annual Fall previews I’ll highlight something I’m especially looking forward to in each class, leading up to a weekend update on my current book project!]

There are a few courses I’ve had the chance to teach most frequently in my 17+ years at FSU, and none is higher on that list than FYW I; I taught two sections in my first semester, Fall 2005, and have taught at least one almost every year since. While every such class is hugely shaped by its group of students, I’ve taught roughly the same syllabus and assignment structure throughout, so there’s been a consistent throughline to be sure. I’m doing so again this Fall (what can I say, it works!), but this will be the first time I’ve taught FYW since I had the chance to teach our First Year Experience Seminar last Fall. I’m not teaching that class this time around, but I now know a lot about it, which is very helpful as all of the students in my FYW section will be taking their own FYE sections (these are the only two required courses in the Fall of the first year). I haven’t entirely figured out how and where I want my Writing class to intersect with FYE—I plan to ask the students about it and have that conversation together across our semester, in fact—but I know that it needs to, to help both classes achieve their goals of guiding students into, through, and beyond their first years in college.

Next preview post tomorrow,


PS. Classes or other things you’re looking forward to this Fall?

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