Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020: Book Thanksgivings: Joan McClymer and the Women’s Circle Breakfast

[For this year’s Thanksgiving series, I wanted to share a few words of appreciation related to my forthcoming book Of Thee I Sing. I’d love to hear what y’all are thankful for in comments!]

Almost exactly a year ago, I expressed my thanks to the good folks at the Southgate Women’s Circle Breakfast, as it was there that I gave the first talk on what would become Of Thee I Sing; that was my second talk to the group, following one on We the People. I’m always excited and honored to talk about my projects with any audience and community (so reach out if you have ideas for others, please!), and the Women’s Circle Breakfast exemplifies why: a knowledgeable, engaged, interest audience, who bring their own perspectives and probing questions to bear on the topic while helping me feel that what I have to say is meaningful and important. And all of that is due to, and reflects the leading role played by, Joan McClymer, the Southgate resident and Residents’ Council President (and partner of the great historian John McClymer) whose voice and vision not only drive the Women’s Circle but have significantly shaped my own continued thinking over the last few years. For all that, and for many great shared meals (at the Breakfasts and beyond), I’m very thankful for Joan.

Next Thanksgiving tomorrow,


PS. What are you thankful for (other than the approaching end of this damn year)?


  1. I am thankful for your research into and writings about our country's "other" history. The one not told in our history books because as we know those are always written by the victors presenting their version. Also your insights and perspective on contemporary issues in your articles, columns and podcasts. Everyone needs the whole picture to understand and come to terms with how our society has and is being shaped. Essential for positive improvements going forward. Thanks!

  2. Just saw this comment, and thanks so much! Glad to be in that struggle with you.

