Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 31-November 1, 2020: October 2020 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]

October 5: Recent Reads: How Much of These Hills is Gold: A series on favorite recent reads kicks off with necessary darknesses, literary legacies, and the optimism of recovery and resistance.

October 6: Recent Reads: The Yellow House: The series continues with three books I’d put in conversation with Sarah Broom’s stunning multi-generational family memoir.

October 7: Recent Reads: Washington Black and The Water Dancer: Two recent historical novels that blur the boundaries between realism and the fantastic, as the series reads on.

October 8: Recent Reads: Civil War Scholarship: Three great public scholarly books that reflect the breadth and depth of current Civil War histories.

October 9: Recent Reads: Susie King Taylor’s Memoir: The series concludes with one of my favorite primary source discoveries for my forthcoming patriotism book.

October 10-11: Crowd-sourced Recent Reads: Another great crowd-sourced post, with a ton of recommendations to keep you reading well into 2021 (should we make it there).

October 12: Confederate Memory: Lee and Longstreet: On the anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s death, a series on Confederate memory starts with the evolution of my views on two generals.

October 13: Confederate Memory: James D. Lynch’s Poetry: The series continues with three poems that illustrate the late 19th century evolution of Confederate memory.

October 14: Confederate Memory: Henry Adams and Henry James: The parallel but not identical Confederate vet protagonists of two 1880s novels, as the series rolls on.

October 15: Confederate Memory: The Shaaras: The benefits and drawbacks of bestselling historical novels about the Civil War.

October 16: Confederate Memory: Flags, Statues, and Names: Why the current debates and changes are long overdue, and why we need to go further still.

October 17-18: Confederate Memory: Adam Domby’s The False Cause: The series concludes with an appreciation of a recent public scholarly book on Confederate memory.

October 19: UN Histories: The League of Nations: For the UN’s 75th anniversary, a series kicks off with how and why the UN’s predecessor failed, and how it succeeded nonetheless.

October 20: UN Histories: World War II: The series continues with why it’s important, and challenging, to remember the UN’s wartime origins.

October 21: UN Histories: Muir Woods: A potent symbolic expression of memory and community, as the series rolls on.

October 22: UN Histories: Secretary Generals: What three representative UN leaders tell us about the organization and its evolving histories.

October 23: UN Histories: Peacekeeping: The series concludes with what we can learn from longstanding and more recent peacekeeping missions.

October 24-25: The World in 2020: A special post on two ways to analyze our global 21st century moment, and the challenge that lies beyond both of them.

October 26: AmericanSpooking: Scary Stories: My annual Halloween series starts with the limitations and possibilities of scary stories.

October 27: AmericanSpooking: Five Frights: The series continues with five of the scariest works in American literary history.

October 28: AmericanSpooking: American Horror Stories: Whether America can have home-grown horror and where we might find it, as the series scares on.

October 29: AmericanSpooking: Last House on the Left: The pioneering horror film that’s more disturbing in what it makes us cheer for than how it makes us scream.

October 30: AmericanSpooking: The Wendigo: The series concludes with the supernatural legend that also offers cross-cultural commentaries.

Special Guest Post goes live in a few hours,


PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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