Saturday, March 4, 2017

March 4-5, 2017: February 2017 Recap

[A Recap of the month that was in AmericanStudying.]
January 30: Women and Sports: Babe Didrikson Zaharias: A Super Bowl series kicks off with two ways to connect the pioneering athlete to legendary men, and one key way not to.
January 31: Women and Sports: Title IX: The series continues with two reasons why it’s wrong to limit Title IX to sports, and one way that focus can still be meaningful and helpful.
February 1: Women and Sports: The Williams Sisters: Two factors that have entirely changed my perspective on the tennis superstars, as the series rolls on.
February 2: Women and Sports: Soccer Stories: Two individual and one collective way to AmericanStudy our recent crop of soccer stars.
February 3: Women and Sports: Ronda Rousey: The series concludes with why I haven’t quite appreciated the MMA superstar, and how I’m trying to.
February 4-5: Women and Sports Links: Five links to keep the conversation going!
February 6: History for Kids: American Girl Dolls: A series in honor of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s bday kicks off with the histories, stories, and effects of the popular dolls.
February 7: History for Kids: Little House on the Prairie: On Wilder’s 150th birthday, the series continues with a key difference between the show and novels, and why it matters.
February 8: History for Kids: Mike Mulligan and His America: How an AmericanStudies approach can help us dig into the many layers of a beloved children’s book, as the series rolls on.
February 9: History for Kids: Kate Milford’s The Boneshaker: More overt and more subtle lessons from a recent, brilliant young adult tale of supernatural horror.
February 10: History for Kids: School Projects: The series concludes with lessons from three wonderful elementary school Social Studies projects.
February 11-12: Crowd-sourced Kids’ Histories: Fellow AmericanStudiers share their responses to the week’s posts and other ideas for places and ways kids can learn history!
February 13: AmericanStudier Hearts Justified: Appalachian Action: A Valentine’s week love letter to Justified starts with how the show transcended its genre limits.
February 14: AmericanStudier Hearts Justified: Raylan and Boyd: The series continues with the downsides to loving charactesr, and why it’s still beneficial to do so.
February 15: AmericanStudier Hearts Justified: Mags and Ava: What links and differentiates two of the series’ most badass female characters, as the series rolls on.
February 16: AmericanStudier Hearts Justified: Limehouse and Noble’s: The potent lessons of the show’s most surprising community, and their limits.
February 17: AmericanStudier Hearts Justified: Justified and Deadwood: The series concludes with what links the two great shows, and what separates them.
February 18-19: Crowd-sourced JustifiedStudying: Responses and ideas from fellow impassioned JustifiedStudiers—add yours in comments, please!
February 20: Precedents Day: My annual Presidents Day post, on how to make the holiday into a more meaningful remembrance of such figures and of our histories.
February 21: AmericanStudying Non-Favorites: The Great Gatsby: The popular annual series starts with the limits of an unquestionably great novel, and how to complement them.
February 22: AmericanStudying Non-Favorites: The Sound of Music: The series continues with the problems with overly saccharine history, and how it can still punch Nazis in the face.
February 23: AmericanStudying Non-Favorites: The Goonies: What’s annoying about the kids’ classic 80s film, and what’s even more frustrating.
February 24: AmericanStudying Non-Favorites: Tom Brady: The series concludes with two ways I’d critique the all-time great quarterback.
February 25-26: Crowd-sourced Non-Favorites: One of my favorite posts of the year, as fellow AmericanStudiers air their grievances and gripes—you know you want to add yours in comments!
February 27: CubanAmericanStudying: José Martí: A series in honor of Desi Arnaz’s 100th birthday starts with the cross-cultural meanings of the legendary Cuban activist.
February 28: CubanAmericanStudying: The Mariel Boatlift: The series continues with three ways to contextualize the 1980 refugee crisis.
March 1: CubanAmericanStudying: Three Artists, Three Generations: Tracing Cuban American music and community across three famous artists, as the series rolls on.
March 2: CubanAmericanStudying: Desi Arnaz: How birthday boy Arnaz helps us remember a very different stage and side of the Cuban American experience.
March 3: CubanAmericanStudying: Rubio and Cruz: The series concludes with what distinguishes, and what links, the two contemporary Cuban American politicians.
Next series starts Monday,
PS. Topics you’d like to see covered in this space? Guest Posts you’d like to contribute? Lemme know!

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