Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18-19, 2014: My Own Current Projects!

[It had been a while since I spent a week highlighting the amazing work done by my fellow AmericanStudies scholars, so for this week’s series I highlighted five recent books by scholars with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working on the NEASA Council. This special addendum to that series is an update on some of my own ongoing writing projects!]
The updated on my latest book project that I promised yesterday isn’t quite ready to be shared yet, although I’m hoping for news soon and you’ll be among the first to know if and when it comes! In the meantime, I wanted to highlight three other spaces in which I have shared or will soon share my writing and ideas:
1)      The Good Men Project: Thanks to my colleague and friend Steve Edwards, I’ve had a chance to write four pieces to date for this important website and project. I hadn’t shared them before because they’re not AmericanStudying so much as, well, ParentingStudying and DivorceStudying. But there’s a reason why I’ve had that pic of my boys atop this blog since day one—part of public scholarship is, to my mind, recognizing how much our own identities and lives are tied to our work and analyses. So I’m happy to share the GMP pieces here, and would love to hear your thoughts on them, as ever.
2)      We’re History: This brand spankin’ new online history magazine is the brainchild of Heather Richardson, and promises to be a wonderful resource for public history-writing. My first piece, on attacks on the White House in American pop culture and history, has just appeared, and I look forwad to contributing a lot more to—and reading even more of others’ contributions on—this equal parts historical and 21st century resource and community. Make sure to check out all the great current content on the site, and to keep an eye on it as more is launched soon.
3)      The Conversation: This great British and Australian site is about to launch an American version, and I’m excited to be a contributor to that new site, with my first piece (on alliances across and between oppressed communities, both historical and contemporary) forthcoming soon. I’ll make sure to share it here when it appears, and will be exploring the new American Conversation in the weeks to come—as should you!
Next series starts Monday,

PS. Other projects, books, or scholars you’d share, including your own work? I’d love to hear about them!

1 comment:

  1. PPS. Two more spaces I'd add:

    The Ethos Review, where my latest piece, a tribute to Elizabeth Pena's character Pilar Cruz from John Sayles *Lone Star*, is up here:

    And MassPoliticsProfs, where I contributed this piece on support for pre-K and higher ed in Massachusetts:

    I'd love your thoughts on either of those as well!
