Saturday, December 31, 2011

March 2011 Recap

March 1: Boo?: Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Danielewski’s House of Leaves, and what horror can do.
March 2: Faith: The inspiring life, identity, beliefs, and writings of Reverend Peter Gomes.
March 3: Going Green: Frederick Law Olmstead’s inspiring career and creations.
March 4: Revisiting a Thorny Problem: A repeat of November’s post on Robert Penn Warren’s worst and best literary engagements with segregation and race.
March 5-6 [Tribute post 6]: The World as a Classroom: My first trip to Chicago inspired this tribute to five cities I’ve visited from which I’ve learned a great deal.
March 7: Birthday Parting: The divisions and communities captured by the July 4th, 1876 events at Philadelphia’s Centennial Exposition.
March 8: Forrest Chump: Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of American history’s genuine villains.
March 9: Little Mensches: Jewish American identity and education as represented by Mary Antin, Anzia Yezierska, and my sons.
March 10: Who’s (Listening to) The Boss?: Famous and frustrating mis-readings of songs by my personal favorite AmericanStudier, Bruce Springsteen.
March 11: A Not Tricky Treaty: The Treaty of Tripoli and the clear and overwhelming evidence that the Founders intended the American separation between church and state to be real and absolute.
March 12 [Tribute post 7]: The Risk Takers: A tribute to American artists who have taken significant and inspiring risks.
March 13: Collaborators Wanted: A request for input on strategies for teaching content, for an article-in-progress; the article has come out but the ideas would still be welcome!
March 14: Medicine Women: The “woman doctor novels” of the late 19th century and questions of political and social realism and purposes in fiction.
March 15: The Personal is Political: What The Wire, Traffic, Maria Full of Grace, and the war on drugs can teach us about the intersections between people and politics.
March 16: The Whole Truth: The incredibly complicated, contradictory, and profoundly American and inspiring life of Sojourner Truth.
March 17: Lit of the Irish: A St. Patrick’s day special on five seminal books on the Irish American experience.
March 18: So It Goes?: A repeat of a January post on Slaughterhouse Five and the unavoidable horrors and atrocities of war.
March 19 [Tribute post 8]: Conference Connections: A tribute to six great friends and colleagues I have met through scholarly conferences.
March 20: No and Yes: Thoughts on the realities and even inspiring qualities of rejections in an academic career (and probably in most others too).
March 21: Engaging Histories: Gore Vidal’s American Chronicle and the unique strengths and possibilities of historical fiction (at its best).
March 22: Their AIM is True: Repeat of an early November post on the American Indian Movement, the Pine Ridge shootings, and two underrated American films.
March 23: My Brother’s Keeper?: The war in Libya, Dire Straits’ “Brothers in Arms,” and some unanswerable but pretty important AmericanStudies questions.
March 24: A Downside of Public Scholarship: A brief response of mine and a longer one of James Fallows’ to the horrific treatment of Professor William Cronon by the Wisconsin GOP.
March 25: Reconstituting America: The irresolvable dualities and contradictions of John Brown, and the value of remembering his revision of the Constitution.
March 26-27: Student Teachers: An orgy (in the non-sexy sense) of grading reminds me of three AmericanStudies things about which I have learned a great deal from my students.
March 28: Case by Case: Phillis Wheatley’s most striking and challenging poem, and how a literary critical perspective can strengthen an AmericanStudies analysis of it.
March 29: Why We’re Here, Still: Two political quotes remind me of the ultimate stakes in how we understand and define American identity, past, present, and future.
March 30: The Worst of Times, the Best of Times: William Cronon and the arrival of my second book lead me to consider the worst and best of our contemporary moment and public scholarship’s presence and role in it.
March 31: No Fooling: A brief and inconsequential (if not downright foolish) prelude to the next day’s post. Seriously, there’s no reason to read this one!

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