Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011: November Recap

November 1: AmericanStudier, I Married Her: In honor of my wife’s birthday, a tribute to five other American women whom I’d have been very lucky to marry.
November 2: Storybook Weddings: Those five were actual historical figures, but as an English professor I’ve got plenty of fictional crushes too, including these five fictional women I’d gladly marry.
November 3: Happily Ever After: Rounding out my wedding series with a post on four exemplary marriages in American texts.
November 4-6: It’s Here!: Celebrating the arrival of the New England American Studies Association’s conference at Plimoth Plantation, on which I had worked for more than a year.
November 7: Moments That Remain 1: The first of a four-part series following up the NEASA conference, this on one Friday evening’s creative reading.
November 8: Moments That Remain 2: The second in the series, on Saturday evening’s Native Plymouth Tour.
November 9: Moments That Remain 3: The third in the series, on the strong and vital undergraduate presence at the conference.
November 10: Moments That Remain 4: The final entry in the series, on the many other moments that stood out and two that will continue into the year to come.
November 11: Veteran Posts: My second annual Veteran’s Day special, this one highlighting a few salient posts.
November 12-13: There Are No Words: My thoughts on the Penn State child rape scandal.
November 14: Kids Say the Darnedest Things 1: I start a week of posts focused on inspiring student voices and moments with a post on a recent paper on Sedgwick and the Cherokee Memorials.
November 15: Kids Say the Darnedest Things 2: The week continues with a post on my very first class as a teacher, and their inspiring reaction after 9/11.
November 16: Kids Say the Darnedest Things 3: The week continues with a post on the impressive multigenerational family history projects that defined my reimagined Ethnic American Literature course.
November 17: Kids Say the Darnedest Things 4: The week rolls on with a post dedicated to the great graduate students in my first-ever grad course.
November 18: Kids Say the Darnedest Things 5: I conclude the week by looking ahead to my five spring courses.
November 19-20: Thanks-Fishing: A post requesting suggestions for my Thanksgiving week series, on American things for which we’re thankful (suggestions still welcome!).
November 21: Giving Thanks 1: Thanks for the innovative, challenging, and essential work of new historians.
November 22: Giving Thanks 2: Thanks for some courageous and inspiring responses to the police brutality at UC Davis.
November 23: Giving Thanks 3: In response to a colleague’s suggestion, thanks for public universities.
November 24: Giving Thanks 4: My Thanksgiving Day post highlights a great Thanksgiving-related essay and then gives thanks for the announcement of a new Bruce and the E Street Band album and tour in 2012.
November 25: Giving Thanks 5: Another great Thanksgiving-related essay, this one authored by a longtime family friend and influence for whom I’m deeply thankful.
November 26-27: Into the Mystic: On the historic site and recreations at Mystic Seaport.
November 28: Bond, Racist Bond?: On Live and Let Die, race, and learning to be analytically critical of things we love.
November 29: Hap-Hazzard: On The Dukes of Hazzard, Southern reactionaries, and how analytical critiques can sometimes change what we love.

More tomorrow,

PS. Any topics you'd like to see in this space next month?

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